Sunday, December 28, 2008

in love

i'm falling in love with this song since i downloaded twilight's soundtrack (before i saw the movie..)
and after i saw the movie, i love it even more because they put it when Edward and Bella danced at prom.. =)

kinda confused what its about and untill now i'm still trying to understand the meaning of this song, it must be sweet, right??

Monday, December 22, 2008

it's Mother's Day

....Happy Mother's Day Mommy....

if I could had chosen,
i would have picked no other than for you
to be my lifelong friend and precious Mother

i love you for always Mom...

pict: google

Sunday, December 14, 2008

winter wonderland in bayreuth

finally rencana gw & mba dhira yg udah dibuat dari summer kemaren terlaksana juga..
which is maen ke kota tetangga, Bayreuth..

me and mba decided to meet there after kuliah, me from here, mba from Erfurt..
disana kita nginep di rumahnya mba Arum..
gw seneng banget ketemu lagi sama mereka.. apalagi sama mba dhira, yang hampir tiap hari cuma denger suaranya, tapi hari itu bisa liat langsung.. hehe.. *iyee kita telponan almost everyday.. =p

we're having a girl's night, and it was so much fun.. kita bertiga ngobrol ngalor ngidul, curhat2an, sharing, sampe hal yg private pun diomongin.. hahahahaa..
besoknya kita ditambah Andika jalan2 di Eremitage, ngeliat taman yang terkenal itu di sana.. sayangnya cuma bisa kesana doang karna siangnya kita udah harus cabut ke Nuernberg, ada acara idul adha disini.. =(
blom puas banget maen disana, blom puas ngeliat tempat2 lainnya juga..
na ja, maybe next time.. hihi...

some photos from us,