Wednesday, September 24, 2008


this conversation took place in a famous bank, called citybank.. =p
when i wanted to open a new account this afternoon, accompanied with Mba Dhira....

while the bank teller made my account, she asked me many questions..
and one of them was a very very very silly and funny question.. *hiperbol! =p
like this one..

her: So, you were born in Jakarta *while seeing my pass
me: right!
her: Aha, there's a city named Jakarta in Indonesia *dgn sotoynya dan bangganya
me: .................................................!!!
me: melongo!
me: *dalam hati.. WTH!
me: looked at her face!
me: surprise!
me: looked at Mba Dhira!
me: *to her... as long as i know, Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia
her: Achsoo! *ashamed.. x)
me: speechless ... =p

OMG, for a smart and beautiful bank teller like her, who just recently knows that Jakarta is part of Indonesia, i think it's a shame and ridiculous... hehehee..
i'm not being a bitchy, but it's just my humble opinion looohhhhh... =D


sherinesky! said...

jangan bilang si teller cantik itu adalah stephanie bryant paporitnya aku dan dhira..or could it be her? btw, udah sembuh sakitnya pinky?

pinkylotta said...

si stephanie bryant itu bukannya di deutsche bank ya mak?? cmiiw..
aku kan daptar baru di city.. heheh..

alhamdulillah udah sembuh..
danke mak..

sherinesky! said...

oiya..halah kok ingetnya si bryant mulu yaa..hahaha...di city mah kaga ada si bryant...salah baca eke..

hihihi..sukurlah kalo udah sembuh..