Wednesday, July 21, 2010


i'm still adoring and falling in love with this website ever since i unintentionally found it, it was last year when i googled i-don't-what-was-that, hmmmm, can't exactly remember what's the keyword.. hahaha...

when i opened it back then, just one word came out of my mouth.. it's a W-O-W..! haha..
i always feel happy whenever i see what's inside the site.. i don't know why.. x)
just looking at the photos or reading the stories, it can make me in a good mood or sometimes make me wanna have the same happy stories too.. hahaha..

well, here's the address, AXIOO.. see it and feel it.. lol.. x)


sherinesky! said...

aku suka baca2 axioo juga.. keren yaaa!! i mean, what is not to love there, right?

gitu dong apdet, jadi kagak sepi kalo blogwalking.. Hehehehe..

Unknown said...

aku nggak tau axioo apaan tuh? huhu cupu nih ... salam kenal ... boleh berteman kan ...

pinkylotta said...

@sherine, i knooow righhht... ih jadi mupeng bener ya mak klo kita punya same stories like them.. :p
hihihi... baru liat commentnya mak.. :p manchmal, hab ich keine lust um zu schreiben.. :p

@fahrizal, klo ga tau blognya, buka linknya aja yaa...